Vacation Bible School
The best memory your kids will make this summer is at VBS! Singing and dancing, crazy games and crafts, leaders who love the kids—all of this to share the good news of Jesus.
SIGN UP TODAY • JULY 2 - 6 in Prince Rupert
In Prince Rupert
We run VBSs in our city so we can share God’s love with kids across our region.
The schedule varies from year to year, and Canada Day pushes the start day back a day. This year from July 2-6 we will be hosting VBS in Prince Rupert from 1am to 4pm.
Please sign up and register Today!

Join Our team!
We invite teens and adults to join our team. If you love Jesus and you love kids and you are willing to serve as a team member, then email our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Xiomara Brooks, xiomara@prfellowship.ca.