Welcome to fellowship
Our Mission
We are a fellowship created and being shaped by the Holy Spirit
that overflows with the grace of our Lord Jesus
and shares the love of God with Prince Rupert, our region and our world
We saw God’s love perfectly when Jesus died for us and rose again, and his love saves us when we believe in Jesus. By his Holy Spirit we now belong to him and to each other. As we partner with him in carrying out his mission to share the good news of his love with others, we do everything in a spirit of overflow—freely receiving and freely giving.
As we carry out this mission, we will abide by these core values:
Making meaningful CONNECTIONS
Generously CARING for each other
Coming together for memorable CELEBRATIONS
as we do life together.
Our Partners
We seek to carry out the mission God has given us in partnership with other churches and ministries. We do not try to do this alone.
Here are our ministry partners:
Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada • www.fellowship.ca
Fellowship Aid and International Relief • www.fellowship.ca/FAIR
Fellowship Internations • www.fellowship.ca/FellowshipInternational
Our shared Statement of Faith
Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists Pacific Region • www.febpacific.ca
Our shared Articles of Faith
Salvation Army, Prince Rupert • Facebook page
Lighthouse Harbour Ministries / Seafarers Mission, Prince Rupert • Facebook Page
Prince Rupert and Area Ministerial Association
The United Church of Hartley Bay, BC
St. Peter’s Anglican Church of Kitkatla, BC