In the Loop - October


New Service Time: 10:30am

COVID taught us some new tricks, like how to use technology better, bring our services online, and tighten up our services.

But we learned some bad habits too, like staying in our pyjamas past 9:00am. And getting up on a Sunday has gotten a bit tougher.

So we are moving our service time to 10:30am starting this Sunday. We will be done by 11:30 giving us plenty of time to fellowship before making lunch plans.


Operation Christmas Child

We have an opportunity to help give 11 million children a present this Christmas in Jesus’ name. Kids who receive this gift will also have the choice to join in “The Greatest Journey”—a Sunday school or VBS kind of program to further explain the gospel.

Start shopping now.

Boxes can be picked up at the church’s Ministry Centre (651-7th Ave E) upstairs in the foyer or downstairs in the preschool.

Here are your instructions on how to pack a shoebox.

Collection week is November 15-21.

Minecraft Night.png

Youth Group Minecraft Party

Saturday, Oct. 16, from 4-8pm. “Dinner” (aka pizza) will be included. Invite your friends. Bring the device you use to play Minecraft. We will set up a Bedrock and a Java server so everyone can join in. Building challenges. Survival mode.


You handy? Got some time?

October is “Pastor Appreciation” month, and a survey done among pastors (not super-scientific, but your pastor thought it was a pretty good list) said that the #1 gift to give your pastor is to fix something in the church.

Kyle has a running list of things that need fixing, from loose siding, a missing fascia board, a window pane that needs replacing, and more. Most of these jobs can be done with a ladder and a couple of hours. Email him.


Two Critical Attachments


Kick Off Sunday - Sept 12